Why is this information significant? Well I made this Linux Remix because I used to have a decent sized Movie Collection, and then a room-mate pilfered them from me… so I’ve thrown together a group of programs/scripts/plugins, that when combined will let you browse to your favorite Torrent Tracker, download a torrent link, and then with minimal effort, stream that torrent to VLC Movie Player… without having to download the movie file to your Hard Disk Drive. Torrents are basically just links to files that are stored in a decentralized on-line repository, using the distributed storage of anyone that’s sharing the file you’re after.

Well, 1st let’s start with what torrents are. What is “elementary OS Luna | Torrent Streaming Edition” If you are an OSX user looking for an elegant way out of the Apple ecosystem, and you don’t want to mess with MS Windows, elementary is the Linux Distro you will probably feel the most comfortable with. On March 25th, 2012, the /r/brokengifs subreddit was launched, featuring animated GIFs created using datamoshing techniques.Elementary OS is an ubuntu based linux distro that focuses on simplicity, and functionality, and is slightly more lightweight that ubuntu main edition. On May 16th, 2011, YouTuber Yung Jake uploaded a music video titled "Datamosh," which included a variety of compression artifacts (shown below). Within the first four years, the video gathered more than 10.3 million views and 11,400 comments. On June 16th, rapper Kanye West released the music video for his song "Welcome to the Heartbreak" (shown below), which featured many datamoshed video artifacts. On February 24th, 2009, YouTuber datamosher uploaded a datamosh instructional video (shown below, left). On August 2nd, 2007, YouTuber Michael Crowe uploaded a video titled "Takeshi Murata," which featured a montage of datamoshed videos (shown below). In 2006, a technique created by artists Betrand Planes and Christian Jacquemin transcodes one lossy video format into another was demonstrated with the modified DivX video codec DivXPrime.

According to the tech blog Bit_Synthesis published a post titled "Datamoshing – the Beauty of Glitch," the practice of datamoshing had been used by digital artists since at least 2005.